Alt-Sheff Alt-Sheff

What it's really like for international students in Sheffield

In a new project, a series of videos reveals the truth behind the University of Sheffield’s “international” branding and its complicity with the genocide in Palestine. It examines the experiences of international students who travel across borders and study in Sheffield. The videos refer to a report from SCCP on the university, and a report from CEI on the experiences…
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Know Your Rights and Legal Observer training

Because of the 2024 protests, the following training is offered by Green and Black Cross (an organisation with long experience in this area). Courses are free, open to all, online via Zoom. This is a summary of dates at present: Please note that you must attend “Know Your Rights” trainings before you can do “Legal Observer” training, so please make…
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Sheffield Student Camp in the News

Sheffield University’s weapons industry funding, the BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), and the anti-war protests were explained in a BBC Radio 4 episode of AntiSocial in May 2024. Despite the typically condescending BBC-Oxford bias, and some strange interview questions, an excellent Sheffield speaker explained the worldwide protests against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Entitled “AntiSocial: Pro-Palestinian student camps” it lasts…
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New Gaza Documentary

Haider Eid, a Palestinian activist, professor, writer and singer spoke at the founding conference of the Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid in 2022. He was born in Nuseirat refugee camp and was raised in Gaza City, after his parents were expelled from their village, Zarnouqa, in 1948. Now he has made a new 14 minute documentary film, “Returning to…
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Sheffield Students in solidarity with Palestine

Sheffield students have joined the worldwide protests against the apartheid and violence inflicted on Palestine by Israel’s armed forces. The Sheffield Campus Coalition for Palestine is made up of staff, students and alumni from both Sheffield and Hallam universities, with support from local trade unions and community activist groups. A protest camp has been set up (May 2024) outside the…
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Petition for Sheffield action on migrant and asylum seeker rights

Local authorities around the UK are taking a stand against the government’s terrible policies on asylum and migration. To fight for change, many have now appointed Councillors to act as Migrant Champions. Sheffield City Council has not done so. A petition is calling for Sheffield City Council to take action on Migrant and Asylum Seeker Rights, by signing the national…
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Foodhall leaves Brown Street (Food Delivery Project continues)

With a challenging financial situation Foodhall has taken the difficult decision to close as an event and public space on Brown Street, from November 2022. This does not affect the Food Delivery Project. The Foodhall group thanks all who have contributed to make Foodhall, over the years since 2015, and say this is “an ending, but not The End”. They…
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People's Assembly re-launches

The People’s Assembly is re-launching as a membership organisation, and all supporters are invited. Please consider joining the organised fightback and movement for change against this vicious right wing government, and catastrophic cost of living crisis. No one is going to do it for us – we will just have to do it ourselves! The People’s Assembly is all about…
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Catch up on Festival of Debate 2022

Did you miss out on an event you wanted to see at the Festival of Debate 2022? Many of the 2022 online events are now available for you to watch again. Catch up now at  
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Campaign to remove Section 9 from the Nationalities and Borders Bill

Section 9 of the Nationalities and Borders Bill exempts the government from giving notice of decisions to deprive people of their citizenship – leaving people in a vulnerable and precarious state, possibly without even being informed. Just like the Windrush scandal this is a racist and divisive piece of legislation, it must be opposed. Over 300,000 thousand people have signed…
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Stop the Policing Bill

Alt-Sheff urges readers to sign and circulate the petition to stop the Government’s dangerous new Policing Bill. It will give police more powers to shut down protest, stop and search without suspicion, and criminalise Gypsy & Traveller communities. After the bill had mostly passed through parliament and could be properly debated, the government slipped in a series of terrifying amendments to…
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Sheffield Council use of Monsanto poison opposition grows

Sheffield Council uses hundreds of litres of dangerous Glyphosate herbicide on the city’s pavements and greenery, (according to a freedom of information request). This toxic substance, best known as Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp’ is very dangerous to insects, plant life and humans. It has been described as ‘The most toxic product ever invented’ and a documentary by Australian public broadcast service ABC shows…
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University of Sheffield underpays cleaning staff

Unite the Union are calling for £10 per hour for all cleaning staff at the University of Sheffield. Add your name to the petition and show Vice-Chancellor Koen Lamberts (salary £285,000 a year) how many of us are supporting these workers. They work unsociable hours, are overwhelmingly women workers and have no path to improved pay on the current university pay…
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