Alt-Sheff Alt-Sheff

Global Justice Now - meeting and social

Global Justice Now, Sheffield branch, hold their final 2022 meeting as an end-of-year social with bring-and-share food and (non-alcoholic) drink. Join if you are interested in campaigning for a better world where resources are controlled by the many, not the few, in solidarity with those fighting injustice, particularly in the global south. To get the latest information see the eNews…
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Accentuate The Positive – an evening of sharing and reflection

South Yorkshire Climate Alliance offers an interactive session to mark the end of the year, exploring thoughts and feelings around activism and where resilience comes from. How do we tackle the enormous problem that is climate change while still looking after ourselves? How do we build up resilience to keep going forward? Lauren Jones of Climate Communication Hub (a working group…
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PalFest performance: The Camps Gate

The Broomhall Centre, Broomspring Lane, Sheffield, S10 2FD
A evening event from Palfest, the Sheffield Festival of Friendship with Palestine. Including a short presentation from Sheffield’s Tadhamon choir, recently returned from a solidarity tour of the West Bank. Food (optional) offered from 6.30-7.15pm Alrowwad Dabka Dance group, 7.30pm, with a powerful performance that brings together music, theatre and traditional Palestinian dabka dance to tell the story of the…
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Sheffield Palestine 2023 calendars on sale

Calendars for 2023 are available from Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign. They feature the work of Palestinian photographers Aied Bakir and El Farra, who live in the Gaza Strip. Their photographs vividly capture moments from the lives of the Strip’s fishing community, under constant attacks from Israeli gunboats, but still finding moments to enjoy time on the sea and the beaches.…
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'The Cost of Living' film and discussion

Central United Reformed Church, 60 Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB
We are in the middle of a Cost-of-Living Crisis and a Climate Crisis. Many of us can’t afford to put our heating on, or even the cost of cooking a meal. Pensioners, disabled people, children, and other vulnerable people are being put at severe risk, something that only a few years ago would have been unthinkable. But it doesn’t have…
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Foodhall’s Final Weekender

Foodhall Project, 62 Brown Street, Sheffield City Centre S1 4RF
Foodhall is leaving its Brown Street space, after the decision to close it as an event and public space. Core activities have now finished, just a few more private bookings until the end of the month which were already in the diary. But this is not The End! The Foodhall Delivery Project continues, and finding a new kitchen space for…
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