Play: "The Lions of Rotherham"
Wortley Hall is “the workers’ stately home”, a co-operatively run venue. It is proud to be hosting the play ‘The Lions of Rotherham’, about brave men from Yorkshire who took part in the Spanish Civil War, fighting alongside the republic against Franco’s forces. Spanish workers and peasants rose up against a fascist coup in July 1936, which inspired thousands from around the world to fight in the International Brigades. The struggle against fascism in the 1930s shaped the lives of a generation of working-class people. This play brings home the horrors of the war including the bombing by Nazi forces of the small Basque town of Guernica in 1937, famously depicted by Picasso.
‘The Lions of Rotherham’ is written and directed by Karen Mulcahey. Music, including Jarama Valley, the Internationale and Leonard Cohen’s ‘The Partisan’, features Rotherham’s folksinger-activist Ray Hearne.
The play starts at 7:30pm, entry £25 includes pie and peas prior to the play. To book, please contact reception on 0114 2882100