Earth First! Regional Gathering in Sheffield
The Earth First! Regional Gathering in Sheffield is a weekend of movement building and friend-making! Workshops, discussions, games and socials, sharing skills and building relationships in the struggle for climate and ecological justice.
People from outside Sheffield are welcome. Bring warm clothes and sleeping bags.
Free hot meals provided (vegan). Free to attend (donations towards food appreciated, but not required).
This is a different event from the national Earth First winter or Winter Moot on 14-16th in Nottingham.
Sign up at the link below, which gives more details. You can sign up anonymously if you wish. (Don’t worry if the link loads slowly, the group uses excellent free end-to-end encrypted and open-source collaboration software called CryptPad, although it doesn’t work well with screenreaders). Email sharc0114@proton.me in case of questions.